Sustainable Clevedon – Free Tree Offer

Sustainable Clevedon – Free Tree Offer.

Would you like a Free Tree for your Garden? 

Sustainable Clevedon are offering free trees for people living in Clevedon.

The trees will be bare root ‘whips’ offering year-round interest, benefitting wildlife and absorbing CO2 to mitigate climate change. 

You can choose from:

• Rowan

• Hazel

• Bird Cherry

• Silver Birch 

• Crab Apple

Email us by 31st December: or come to the Farmers’ Market in Queen’s Square on November 25th or December 23rd, 9:00am – 12noon, saying how many and which trees you would like (max three). 

The tree will be your responsibility to look after. Collection day will be January 27th.

Have an event or group to publicise? Click here to visit our submissions page.